Welcome to San Diego Auto Accident Chiropractors
Have You Been Injured in an Auto Accident?
As Auto Injury Chiropractor and Physiotherapy specialists, San Diego Chiropractic Group offers an integrative approach to the evaluation and treatment of auto accident injuries, including Chiropractic, Medical care, Massage, Acupuncture, and Physical Therapy.
Dr. David Knepp has worked for almost 20 years as a chiropractic doctor and specializes in the evaluation and treatment of auto injuries. He holds an Advanced Certificate of Competency in Whiplash and Brain Injury Trauma from the Spine Research Institute. He has been in several depositions and has served as an expert witness in court.
“Having also been a victim of a substantial auto collision in 2013, I am personally experienced with the injuries that occur with auto collisions. As a patient, I suffered from whiplash, a herniated lumbar disc, post-concussion symptoms, headaches, and leg pain for several months. I was fortunate to understand how a team approach of both medical and chiropractic doctors would be beneficial to my care and sought treatment for and recovered from my injuries by having an integration of chiropractic, medicine, pain management, and physical therapy.” Dr. Knepp
Did you know that your doctor’s ability to accurately evaluate and diagnose your injuries can affect your settlement? Properly diagnosing, documenting, and communicating your injuries to the insurance carrier, is as important as the treatment you receive. Your doctor must know when to place a referral to specialists for further evaluation and treatment of your injuries and what type of care is most appropriate for your auto injury..
Whether you chose a chiropractic approach, medical care, and treatment, or an integration of both, San Diego Chiropractic Group is committed to providing the best care possible for our personal injury patients. Our office accepts med-pay and will also provide services on an attorney lien. Don’t delay seeking an evaluation if you feel you may be injured, delay of treatment can affect your outcome.
Se habla espanol. Call 858-560-5022 to speak to our front desk staff.
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